Monday, November 18, 2013

Social order and political organization

Social order and political organization
Since the early Hellenistic colonies settled Illyrian coast ancient ways of production . In the division of society into distinct role played colonies social and ethnic origin of people . In conditions was privileged aristocratic backgrounds layers , which have often been supportive of the establishment of colonies . Social composition of the layers was varied free . Besides the exiles , for political reasons during the wars of the aristocracy in metropolitan demos , had impoverished noble , craftsmen stripped of the means of production , dispossessed peasants , merchants and sailors . This measure of population increased continuously as a result of the frequent invasions of the metropolis . In Dyrrah a large contingent of such people came in the second half of shek.V.


In Dyrrah of the Apollo layers constitute the main force of slave labor. It was divided into three categories: the city - state bond slave , who worked in the workshops of tiles and bricks , in breaking , transportation and skalitjen of stones in metal cutting in currencies , ie more jobs severe . Many slaves were private comprising the second category , who also served in addition ergasterive households .
A part of the population , always growing , constituted "foreigners " , the third category or residents of Illyrian origin . Those in the first decades were deprived of social and political rights .
In accordance with the social composition of the population , the political order in Apollo had Dyrrah early oligarchic character . Power belonged to an aristocratic minority backgrounds . The vast majority of the population , and the Illyrians , making no word for slaves , did not enjoy the right to rule the city .
The rapid economic development and Apolonia Dyrrachion shek.VI - V associated with changes in social and political order of the two colonies , as a result of a fierce social and political . With the expansion of craft production and exchange of goods with the Illyrians and Greece , were enriched and strengthened economically layers of craft trade colonies . These layers now emerged as an independent force in the political arena against oligarchic group , with the aim to take power and to use it to benefit their interests . Consequently , in 437 Dyrrah an uprising broke out in the demos , known in ancient history for the role he played on the eve of the Peloponnesian War . In the arena of war except demos forces and aristocracy , the match seemed Korkyrës interests , behind which stood Athens and Corinth . Both powers sought to benefit a wider Illyrian market . Also in this match also actively participated neighboring Illyrians , who are helping aristocrats expelled from the city , was ranked the forces that përkahnin Athens in the Peloponnesian war against connectivity .
The sequence leading civil war in Dyrrah was complete triumph of the principle of separation of class society , the strengthening of the polis slave . Power now exceeds the limited circle of aristocratic slave in the hands of all the slave as a class . Its social base was expanded with the participation of broader layers , slave owners workshops , dealers etc. . , Thus highlighting the most ancient mode of production . Since that time grew stronger social position of the Illyrians who lived in the city . Such a phenomenon similar to the Apollo was held .
These changes were reflected in the composition and state functions . Place the heads ( fylarkëve ) Aristocrats , in whose hands that power concentrated in the oligarchic regime , now took a collegial body , bull (the council ) . Its members can not only were the nobles , but also from other layers slave . Created the general body meeting of the people , helieja . Its main tasks were the enactment of laws , making important decisions and the choice of controlling the activities of the executive bodies of the city . With the participation of all free people , this body was in the hands of the slave , without whose presence helieja had no right to choose the highest executive bodies of the city . By members of the bud at the top of prytani elected each year , which was the highest civilian official of the city . With his name linked to all laws , ordinances promulgated important decisions during the year . In matters related to military and defense toksarku fight deal , which was commander of archery . Secretary of rain to the main task of caring for instilling the stone or copper plates on the laws , decrees and decisions of higher helieja or executive bodies and to announce them publicly . The three hieramnamonët , dealing not only with religious issues , the organization of games of the holiday , but apparently the city's financial issues . In addition there were other employees, to a lower rank , but actually play an important role in economic life . Such was the officer in charge of cutting the coins , which had the task of caring for the provision of raw materials , as well as cutting and distribution of coins . Over the silver Drachma placed his name alongside that of prytanit . One other officer was poleti dealing with the regulation of commerce with the Illyrians .
Religious cult was in harmony with the social and political institutions of the city . It also appears from merging with state religious functions ( hieramnamonët ) . The most venerated deities were Apollo Apollo , who gave the name of the city , Goddess of the Illyrian coast of the colonists were unjisua with Artemis ; Dionizi was Hyu the vineyards etc. . The main gods , who prayed more dyrrahasit were Zeus , the legendary co-founder of Sun City and Heracles .
Hellenic colonies settled in Illyria in the narrow circumstances of economic relations with the Illyrians , who depended on mutual interests . Further Strengthening colonies coincides with the birth of Illyrian cities and formation of the Illyrian state . Among these colonies will find a basis for support in their complete liberation from economic and political metropolis . There were also conflicts between the Illyrians and colonies , apparently as a result of misuse of the colonists in relations between the Illyrians and their limits . These took the form of armed struggle with the city Illyrian Apollonia Thronion around mid- fifth century and the Illyrians in the fight against the 385 Pesona Isa .
Since the second half of the century . IV Pesona history of Hellenistic colonies coast of Illyria developed in close relationship with the political history of the Illyrian state and its framework .

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