Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Starting century . The Illyrian provinces of e.sonë changes occurred in civic life . These changes were of course in accordance with local traditions of urbanization and the new conditions created politico - economic in the first three centuries AD . So in Southern Illyria and Epirus , during the preceding centuries there arose new cities , even compared to the period preceding their number was reduced . Not dealing with the process of urbanization that time , several castles ( castra ) , with purely military character , which arose during the most important streets .

With the Roman conquest and economic -administrative organization most provincial cities had no more indigenous economic and political functions that had previously and not having the opportunity to develop further , began to fall . In such conditions, residents of some cities and towns fortified settlements abandoned Illyrian hill-mountain and down the field . Some of them , although administratively returned in the condition of the villages , have not ceased to be a citizen centers , other rural settlements were dealing mainly with agriculture . There was also a fortified qendërbanimi Illyrian taking defensive character from the beginning became a center of a Roman military garrison .Rescued from demolition for two - three centuries few cities that benefited from policies that implemented differential early Roman occupation authorities . This policy was based on proromak attitude of some cities during the Roman and Illyrian wars influenced by the fact that for a time the Romans were not able to govern the provinces directly with all the conquered cities . On top of these cities was that of Apollonia , which were preserved along the internal autonomy of cultural and artistic traditions of Hellenistic Greek language and monetary workshop , where coins were expected by early century . III AD . Old status and internal autonomy preserved the cities of Phoinike Amantia .A new impulse to the development of their economic and cultural Illyria had in all cities that received colony status and municipit . In Southern Illyria became a Roman colony Skodra , Dyrrah , Byllis and Buthroti , while in North Illyria and significant internal colony was Narona , Salona , Jader , Epidauri and Skupi . Our data indicate that these colonies a significant proportion of their population consisted italics come from there , the veterans of the Roman legions and people originating from the East . This population , regardless of ethnic background , had the right of Roman citizenship and form a layer of rich cities . In her hands were focused on important administrative positions . Keeping them , considered the duty of honor , was also related to obligations in the field of construction , etc. of beautifying cities . Representatives rich layer , calorie , theatrical finance , sports competitions and bloody wars of gladiators . The money for all those drawn by slave labor and the broad mass of the poor .In the composition of the upper classes had also been Illyrian , or slave class representatives of the old tribal chiefs , who had Roman citizenship . In such a situation , the provincial Illyrian chieftains , as a privileged stratum , most of which belonged to the class of calorie and out of the military commands , became a supporter of the Roman state , because it saw the strongest imperial power defense of its interests .Other layers of the free population , with civil rights , consisted of small land owners , craftsmen and traders . Local residents in them have been small , they were expelled from the beginning , even from remote agricultural areas , had no political rights and perform heavy work as laborers , woodcutters , shepherds etc. .

Colonies , with Municip , have been the economic base of Rome and simultaneously transmitting core policy of assimilation Illyrian population . Economic and cultural activities of their has been closely associated with Rome and Roman models of their official language was Latin .

's Municipal institutions were the same in all cities and colonies of Illyria were organized on the model of Rome . Governing body has been decuriorum Ordo city council , which decided on the most important issues . Executive power exercised by a panel of two senior magistrates , elected for five years , duumviri quinquennales . Other city officials were Edil ( aediles ) , who provided for the supply of public buildings population , quaestor ( questores ) , who had under their control state coffers . In the city administration a senior was the duty of defense or the patron of the colony ( Patronus coloniae ) , which was charged by the Emperor to protect its interests .In the Illyrian provinces , cities except colony in the first centuries of our era have an important role to play some small qendërbanime called Municip , which have a limited self-rule . Municip property also owned land in the near periphery , crafts and trade were not so developed and generally there was qendërbanime these institutions , which were characteristic colonies . Municip has been in the interior areas , some of which have been associated with mining . Such a Municip was Ulpijana in Dardania ( near Pristina ) , established in the early century . II AD near a mining center , which quickly became the main center of the province . In interior areas Municip population was almost entirely local , to work in slave has been used very little , if not nothing , but Illyrian people in most of them were engaged in agriculture and livestock . In these qendërbanime were preserved in the ancient traditions of strong local and state assimilation policies Roman found a violation of a greater resistance than in coastal regions .

Ancient written sources show the existence of some qendërbanimeve in Illyria small fortified , which call or oppida Castella ( castles or towns ) , whose inhabitants had no right of Roman citizenship . These castles were the Illyrian town center provincial interior units civitates States, where local chiefs were set and provincial authorities to implement the policy of the empire of its ruling .

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