Friday, November 8, 2013

Kingdom Of Two Illyrians. Dynasty Glaukia

Illyrian state recovery
Very soon after reconciled northern neighbors , Greece , Macedonia headed east leaving smooth Illyrian state . Neighborly relations with Macedonia it was no longer a serious threat and Illyrians tried to exploit the situation for the recovery of their country . Rufi announces new unrest in Illyria , but it seems that they did not succeed , because Pesona in 323 , when the division was Alexander's empire , a part of the Illyrians was still under the rule of Antipatrit , who became king of Macedonia , Greece , Illyria , Epirus and the other occupied populations in the Balkans .
Turbulent situation that arose in the empire after Alexander's death and disintegration of his empire created suitable conditions for the liberation of Eastern Illyrian lands . Connecting with the enemies of Macedonia , Glaukia king of Taulants managed to deliver these lands and unite with his kingdom . It seems that after he took the title " king of the Illyrians " instead of the previous title " King of Taulants " .
Once the merger had restored the Illyrian lands and Illyrian state , tried to weaken Glaukia Macedonian influence in Epirus . For this purpose , he approached the king of Molossoi , Ajakidin Berojën and married a daughter of the royal molos door . In this policy he encountered Antipatrit son , Cassander , who after much effort was put in charge of Macedonia . In Pesona 317 , Cassander ousted from the throne molos Glaukisë ally , Ajakidin , who had intervened in internal wrangling Macedonian throne , taking Olimbisë side , Alexander's mother . At this time Glaukia got under protection and kept in his palace to overthrow the king's son , Pyrrhus two years . Despite the insistent demands of Cassander , Glaukia not delivered Pirro , he did not do this either when the Macedonian king promised a reward of 200 large amount of talent , even when it 's threatened by war .
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The extension of sovereignty over the Apollonia Dyrrahu
Three years after this event , in 314 , Cassander , starting from the mainland , attacked by sea Apollonia , Dyrrachium and then went into Illyria . In this war Glaukia Cassander was defeated and became master of the two big cities of the Adriatic . Political unrest forced to return to Greece after leaving strong garrisons here . A year later, 313 Pesona , surrounded Glaukia Apollonia , but without success . According Diodorit , he brokered the Spartans refused to lift the siege and conclude a peace treaty with apoloniatët . Conditions are not known peace or that it was to establish a Macedonian force in the city , but subsequent events , of 312 Pesona , show that the two cities were protected by Macedonian garrisons . In this year apoloniatët and dyrrahasit rebelled and expelled the forces of Cassander from their cities . A special role in this event attributes Diodori korkyrasve , who had come to help. According to him they " liberated Apollonia and Dyrrachium Glaukisë handed , king of the Illyrians " . Sources did not give a direct answer to questions why they gave korkyrasit Dyrrahu Illyrians , who was Illyrians role in this event , which had been their reports and ç'raporte Dyrrahu settled with Apollonia .

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 However it is not difficult to understand korkyrasit in this case acted as allies not only apoloniatëve and dyrrahasve , but the Illyrians . The emergence of Macedonia on the Adriatic coast threaten economic and political interests of the state as Illyrian , as well as Dyrrachion , Apollonia and Korkyrës , so they joined against Macedonian risk . Two major cities were , apparently , to maintain relations with the state Illyrian old and did not want to obey the King of Macedonia violence . Dyrrah appear before this had been in the hands of the Illyrians or had known Illyrian king's sovereignty . The challenge made ​​apoloniatët Glaukisë Pesona 313 indicates a temporary dominance in this city promaqedon group , which was later overturned by the uprising of citizens expelled forces of Cassander .
Macedonian king speedily come with his forces before the walls of Apollonia again to restore the previous state . Diodori asserts that " apoloniatët were associated with the Illyrians ." However , it is not known whether this was simply a military alliance or something more , but implied that the Illyrians were given a first-hand role since the forces defending the city were " larger" than Macedonian . Cassander was badly broken and was forced to retire , having lost a good part of the army . His efforts to be stuck in the coastal Illyria after he failed and no longer tried to return to these parts .
Wars with Cassander show that the Illyrian state power had grown so much that it could be successfully measured with possession of Macedonia Adriatic coast . Major cities of the coast had long recognized the sovereignty of the Illyrian king , at least on Dyrrahu was decided that sovereignty , but since the 312 Pesona impact on Apollonia should not have been smaller , although the legal status of the city Illyrian state to formally may have been a little different from the Dyrrachion .

After the victory over Cassander and strengthening its position in Dyrrah of the Apollo , Glaukia dealt with the preparation of the expedition that would come to the throne molos Pirro . It was his generosity towards , or had connections with him through his wife , Berojës , daughter of molos door , pushed those Glaukinë in this brave venture . Mainland at this time was the most neuralgic point of contact and the most important link in Illyrian- Macedonian contradictions . Glaukia had to abandon the country from the impact Macedonian and Illyrian state to restore lost ally . For this purpose , in Pesona 309 , on top of a large army , he went to Epirus and beating opposition group that represented the king promaqedon Alketa ( Pyrrhic uncle ) , placed on top of the 12 - year-old state molos Pirro . With this act, the Macedonian conflict was resolved in favor of the Illyrians . Political and military activity Glaukisë for recovery of strengthening the position of the Illyrian state was crowned with success .
During the reign of Glaukisë , state Illyrian lived glory days , he became a powerful state , including the cities within its Dyrrah of Apollo . He was the only serious force that opposes Macedonia in the Balkans , and became an important factor that exerted a powerful influence on political events of the time.

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