Friday, November 8, 2013

Economic And Social Development Of The Century Illyrian. IV B.C

East of cities and urban life
Economic and social development of Illyria during the Iron Age and especially during the century . VII - V Pesona had prepared the conditions for the emergence of cities and urban life . As proved by the archaeological record , Illyrian cities built on the basis of the fortified settlements and Iron Age sites were created protourbane as a result of the development of handicrafts , agriculture , livestock , as well as the intensification of exchange relations with the Greek world . This is evidenced by the extensive presence of imported ceramic and ionic korinthike of later products of the Greek colonies in Dyrrah of Apollo , which had entered into close relations with the Illyrian prapatokën .
Birth and development of civic life was a phenomenon with economic and social character entirely new. Its essence was to establish antiques market economy that was materialized with the creation of cities as centers of production and exchange . It is associated with complete detachment of handicrafts from agriculture , with the creation of the ancient way of production and the application of slave labor in sectors of the economy .
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The earliest reports of the existence of cities in Illyria mid- century belong . P.e.sonë IV . The Greek historian Diodori , describing campaigns against Illyrians Philip II King of Macedonia says " was released on Illyria with a strong army , plundered the country , subjected many small towns and returned to Macedonia with great spoil ." Great orator , Demosthenes , the Athenians warning of the danger that threatened the Macedonian king , also notes that " Philip is fortifikonte cities in Illyria ." A little later Greek historians century . Pesona II Rufi Ariani mention the name of the city Polionin Dasaretisë , while century historian . IV p.e.sonë Theopompi mention Oidanton city . Finally data from the beginning of the century numismatics . IV Pesona learn the name of a major city Illyrian Damastion . It is understood that the origin of these cities , which are present among the century . Pesona IV , ( a confirmed case at the beginning of this century ) , should look a little before that. at the end of the century . V p.e.sonë .
It is not known exactly ç'paraqesin itself these ancient Illyrian cities . Evidence of ancient authors , except that announce their existence , are too poor to help rebuild the real appearance of these urban centers .
Even from the archaeological point of view there is still such inquiries , through which the city stands clearly this time . However , from ancient cities , ruins of which are preserved in our country , we can affirm that the proper city in Illyria mainly formed during the century . P.e.sonë IV . At this time we have clear evidence from both written sources and from those sites.
These cities and fortified settlements as the Iron Age , the hills rise above natural protected from view , but extend to relatively large area , reaching up to 10-20 ha . Their surrounding walls were built with a more advanced technique with polygonal blocks , trapezoidal , they are quite powerful and a rare beauty ( Amantia , Klos , Peaks of Aitojt etc. . ) , But the fortification system in general is still simple : he does not know the towers , whose role play somewhat right angle bends , which makes the wall time after time for reasons of stability , the gates in this system are a few of the weaker protection .
Large cities occupy a central position in the region who own and extend over an area of ​​30-40 ha , as is the case Byllis , Antigonea , the Lis etc. . , And are protected by strong walls .

Speaking of cities this time Diodori calls them polisma term , which means small towns , apparently still in the beginning stage of their development . Demosthenes , in the century . Pesona IV contrast, uses the term to mean poleis city . Change seen in terms of the use of these two authors do not seem to be the case , he said a distinction apparently made ​​to these urban centers associated with the Illyrian and their character . Few casts light on this issue claim Arian, who calls Pelionin as " stronger city " between cities Dasaretisë . It seems that some cities have been able to walk forward and distinguish from others . Of special interest in this regard Damastioni , which is the first city that hosts Illyrian coins. Sources indicate that the city was in the back of the coastal zone , somewhere between this area and lakes lynkeste . Speaking of that Strabo in the first century writes, " After Epidamnos to the mountains and Apollonia are Keraune settlement for Taulants parthinët and brygët ; nearby silver mines are located and in Damastion , which DIESTE decided on their rule , as and enkelejtë who call Desarets ; these come close lynkestët .. " . Lack of reliable data on which this city has prevented the localized accurately , but given the arsenal of the findings of its currency , it must be sought in the internal Illyrian provinces , somewhere east of Upper Drin .
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The passage of Strabo has a special significance for another fact . It shows that a city Damastioni born and developed in an area rich in mining, which apparently constituted the economic base of it. Their use and development of handicrafts metal processing was the main branches of the economy . Her character becomes clear from coins bear the symbols of the city , representing among others miner's hammer and metal bars .
Damastioni is , therefore , an example of a city craftsman advanced this time , but certainly not the only one . Pelioni appear in resources , not only as the strongest party Dasaretisë between cities , but also as the principal center or residential center of the Illyrian king . It is possible that other cities smaller ones polisma Diodori calls , would have been center - economic gjeografiko units , which would have prevailed agricultural - livestock economy with a limited branch of craftsmanship

Handicrafts , agriculture and livestock
East of the city gave a new impetus to the development of various branches of economy Illyrian .
Craftsmen of mining and metal processing Illyrians knew before, but never as now it does not appear as a separate branch of the city , such as the Damastionit . In the century . IV in the paper crafts metal still not noticed any qualitative change , for example in the service of working tools , weapons or decorations , compared with previous centuries . But now we can talk about a wider activities of more intense as in mining and in the production of individual branches of metal-working crafts . Stands out in particular increased production of weapons , accounting for at this time across numerous findings necropolises compared with ornamentation .
However , there was no progress in the field of ceramic handicrafts production , imports weakened even for a while this branch of Illyrian handicrafts .
Whereas in the field of construction is a real revolution . Masters excel century building . IV for their architectural skills of technical and deep knowledge in the field of art fortifications , to implement more advanced at the time , as in many other parts of the Mediterranean world . The walls of cities are built in the style polygonal clear evidence of achievements in this field .
Data for the Illyrians farming for centuries . IV are poor . Contemporary authors such as Aristotle , Skymni , Arian etc. . , Do not merely repeat Hekateun , due to insufficient knowledge of Illyria still , however Illyria to Greek authors was the site of a developed agriculture and livestock , whose fertile lands exploited A spot so intense and crops along ( olive growth , gardening and beekeeping ) , the rich pastures of cattle boost good race .
The archaeological data confirm these reports . Plows presented in a pitosi lips found in Korca and symbolic figures presented in the Dyrrachion coins of Apollonia , or at the time varrimore monuments , kalliri as wheat , olive branch , grape bistaku , bee , cow and cornucopia , symbol of fertility and prosperity , real echo Illyrian land and the development of livestock farming had Illyrian at this time .
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