Friday, November 8, 2013

Kingdom Of First Illyrian. Dynasty Bar-dhyl (V - 335 B.C.)

The coming into force of Bar-dhyl
The new century , the fourth , the Illyrians again finds in conflict with their neighbors on the issue of Lynkestis Macedonians . In the last years of the reign of the Macedonian king , Arhelaut , at the turn of the century , there was a new war between the Illyrians and the Macedonians for this province . In this battle the king of lynkestëve , Arrabeu , had as king Syra ally . Aristotle , who mentions this fact , it qualifies Syras ethnic origin , but other sources make it clear that he was king of the Illyrians . Alliance between him and Arrabeut is likely to have its roots in the events of 423 Pesona and seems to have been reinforced by a dynastic marriage between a girl and Syras Arrabeut . The results of this war are not known , but subsequent events show that there had been a change in the existing situation .
Killing the king Arhelau ( 399 Pesona year ) , scored for Macedonia beginning of a period of unrest that lasted four decades . Internal contradictions that were the reason for the murder and subsequent dynastic intrigues , created for the opening event of conflict between Macedonia and its neighbors . At the beginning of the reign of Amyntës II , followed Arhelaun , seemed Illyrian- Macedonian conflict found a solution . Amyntës marriage with a daughter of King Syra , called Eurydike , who was at the same time niece Arrabeut , hides itself in the fact that between the Illyrians and Macedonians had reached a reconciliation agreement on the issue of lynkestëve .
But this situation did not last long . Illyrians , whose interests had long faced them Lynkesti Macedonia , were interested in further weakening of Macedonia and not to comply .

 Be an opportunity to achieve this goal appears right now that Macedonia had conquered internal wave turbulence . In 393 Pesona , Illyrians flocked to Macedonia , occupied a part of it and deported after Amyntën , decided to stalk some Argeu , allegedly descended from lynkestëve dynasty . Under the pressure of Illyrian occupation , a part of Eastern Macedonia lands with the consent of the king came down to the League of Olinthit . Amynta fled to Thessaly and only after two years of exile , he was able to return to the country with the help of TheSale , who preferred his rule better than it Argeut upheld by the Illyrians . Peace with the Illyrians he was forced to buy an annual tribute that will make them pay .
The circumstances in which this change occurred at the end of the relations established between the Illyrians and Macedonians are not clear . It is known only that subsequent events are not related to Syra , but the name of a new Illyrian king , called Baedhyl . Although his name appears in much later sources , the events of 359 Pesona , nevertheless it seems that long before the Illyrians lead . According to these sources Bar-dhyl lived a long time and when they met Philip II ( 359 Pesona ) , or a little later , was in an advanced age , 90 years . Special interest with his image have news to pose as a king with low background at the beginning and then rebel Digger ( latro ) , who had gained power by force and enjoyed the sympathy of the fighters , since the division of the spoils was fair and impartial . These reports present it not as an heir to Syras , but as an overthrowing him. Only by recognizing this fact , can be given an explanation of the change that occurred in relations with the Illyrians Macedonians in 393 Pesona . It seems that the new forces in Illyria , where there was an important role Bar-dhyl opposed the agreement with Amyntën II , knocke

pioid syre and invaded Macedonia . So it must have been he who led Bar-dhyl Illyrians in 393 Pesona year campaign against Amyntës and forced him to pay annual tribute . Since he again broke the efforts of Alexander II in 369 and 360 Pesona Perdikës III to be delivered from this condition . Perdikës attempt ended in complete failure . He remained on the battlefield along with 4000 other Macedonians . It was the worst loss suffered by the Macedonians in their series of efforts to rid the Illyrians .

During the first half of the century . IV Pesona sources also mention another important event . In 385 Pesona Illyrians completed an alliance with the tyrant Syrakuzës , Dionizin . Mediator for Molossoi became king , Alketa , who was expelled from his party by filospartane and was sheltered in Syracuse . The purpose of the agreement was the restoration of the throne molos Alketa . Both sides were concerned about this , because this alliance was provided Illyrians weakening of Spartan and consequently influence the Macedonian peoples in Epirus , and gave Dionizit opportunity to strengthen trade positions sirakuzane the shores of the Adriatic and the Ionian Sea . In his story Diodori Dionizi noted that the Illyrians were sent military aid of 2 000 men and 5000 guns " as Illyrians were at war ." But that does not mean that the Illyrians were fighting at this time . It is assumed that Diodori is referring to the war that ended with the expulsion of Amyntës , but this event is rightly dated in 393 and not 385 . There is no view that the Illyrians were struggling with Molossians when Dionizi sent aid and that it only used the war to return Alketa . Diodori himself has explained this fact when it asserts entered Epirus Illyrians came after this assistance and " summoned a great power ." In this case must be the word for the fact that the Illyrians were in almost constant state of war with their neighbors , Macedonians . Dionizit military aid seems to alleviate some of the burden Illyrians . This fact and active participation in action against Molossoi to bring their throne Sirakuzën Alketa put in the position of the Illyrians ally against their traditional enemies , the Macedonians . However the main forces in this action were those Illyrian ; Dionizit soldiers were not assigned an independent role , rather Diodori says " army that came to the aid of the Illyrians mixed with their bodies ." Company successfully completed . In the battle that took place strict Illyrians and Molossians prevailed in the war left many dead . Aid sent the Spartans did not bring any benefit Alketa Molossoi and took his seat again in molos Kingdom . This policy explains the events that followed Bar-dhyl Western neighbors . Apparently , the alliance with Syrakuzën was to support the fight against Macedonia sound .

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