Friday, November 8, 2013

Strengthening of royal power

In 302 Pesona Glaukia was still at the top of the Illyrian state . Thereafter he noted . The period that follows is quite obscure and known only through fragmented resources , but ever more important .

About the year 295 as king of the Illyrians Pesona Bar-dhyl new note . The circumstances in which he found at the top of the Illyrian state and its relations with Glaukinë , which replaced , are unclear . A marriage of Bar-dhyl ally is Pyrrhic . Plutarch says that after the death of his first wife , Antigone , Pyrrhus " married many women , for political reasons and to increase his power ." One of them was the Brikena , Bar-dhyl daughter of the king of the Illyrians . Roman historian and writer Justin century Roman . The report Frontini turn a Pyrrhic campaign against the Illyrians , in which he had emerged victorious and he conquered the city that was the capital of their own , without telling us his name . Greek historian of the century . Appian II also echoes the story , saying that he had a part Pyrrhus over the Ionian coast of Illyria . All these sources do not specify , however , how far the king's rule spanned molos on Illyrian lands and how did he raise the yard Glaukisë intervened forcefully in his state. After all these events lies a domestic quarrel between heirs or pretenders to the throne of Glaukisë , which was used by Pyrrhus . But it is not excluded by the terms of the new Bar-dhyl which have been an offshoot of The Bar-dhyl , which comes into force with the help of Pyrrhus , releasing the latter part of the Illyrian Kingdom . Only thus can explain how Pyrrhus became master of the western provinces Illyrian kingdom , perhaps even of Apollonia , and Bar-dhyl left Lyhnid eastern provinces around the lake , or in its west .

But the land Illyrian invasion of Pyrrhus and the Bar-dhyl new rule as " king of the free" on the part of the Illyrian state should not have gone too far. Appian passage that says that these inherited land and descendants of Pyrrhus is inconsistent with the development of subsequent events . Internal strife to inherit the throne of Glaukisë seem to overcome quickly . In the book's prologue XXIV Latin historian Trogut it comes to " fight to the Kerouni Ptolemy (king of Macedonia ) became the Illyrian Monunin and Ptolemy , the son of Lysimahut " . The news that belongs to a 280 year event Pesona about a ruler who intervenes in disputes Illyrian to the Macedonian throne as an ally of another contender , son of Lysimahut . Ordering the Trogut , Monuni is the first opponent Keraunit and can also assume the initiator of this war . However this should be Monun ruler of a country whose borders meet with Macedonia .
The assumption that he was a king dardan , today is leaving the country devalued opinion that in this case we are dealing with a ruler Illyrian state . Figure and its activity becomes clearer through a Dyrrachion currency . This is a tridrahme , which bears the symbols of the previous known tridrahmes autonomous Dyrrachion , the site has a drink cow 's calf , spine in a square filled with linear ornamentation , unlike the first one of the new currency has a weight small ( 10.3 to 10.5 gr . instead of 10.4 to 11.5 g . ) and in legend ? ? ? ? ? or ? ? ? is the name of the king ( ? ? S ? ? ? SO ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) and a pork jowl on the cow , missing the old tridrahmat . In another variant currencies Monunit legend deprived city cut and replaced with a spear . These tridrahme are dating right after the 300 Pesona and matching as mentioned Monunin time of Trogut .
Notice Trogut and cutting the currency despite evidence that he had suffered shock after the death of the Illyrian state intervention Glaukisë by Pyrrhus , Monuni could have rimëkëmbte his country in the territory of the former , from the Adriatic coast to the border of Macedonia . Apparently , he benefited from the departure of Pyrrhus to Italy to restore its state occupied lands . His power had grown over Dyrrahu . Putting up the coins workshop , he deepened over its predecessor relationship with this city . The latest version Monunit logging shows that the Illyrian King must have felt himself strong enough removed from the name of the currency Dyrrachion cut . It is not known how were his relations with Apollonia , but there is no reason to consider different . Even the city should have known the full sovereignty of the Illyrian king , subject Dyrrah him as politically and economically .

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Monunit successor and the last of the dynasty was Glaukisë Mytili . Even as literary tradition to have only a short notice in the prologue of the book XXV Trogut stating that " ... His son / pyrrhic / , Alexander had to fight Mytilin Illyrian " . A bronze coin cut in the workshop and it fully confirms Dyrrachion historical nature Mytilit person . This coin , which has the head of Herakles symbols on the page and characteristic of the hero weapons ( bow and sheath mëzdragun ) in the back , differs from its prototype , because instead of civil monetary Dyrrachion the initials of the king on Mytil ( ? ? S ? ? ? SO ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) , which additionally removed from the legend of the city's coins . Self currency these data indicate that the Dyrrachion Mytili was neat and exercised over this city is the power that his predecessor had Monuni . Currency is extremely rare , indicating that his rule was short .
War between Mytilit and Alexander , for which he was referring Trogu , belongs to the year 270 Pesona . Unfortunately not store any accurate information on the causes and outcomes of this war , which has also given rise to various assumptions . Thinking that it ended in favor of Alexander and that this was again master of the Illyrian provinces south of the state , even Apolonia refers Frontini and Appian . A careful examination of their reports indicates that these findings are not entirely fair. It is true that Frontini , which meets Trogun , speaks of a match in which Alexander defeated the Illyrians , but fighting takes place in the land of Epirus and the news does not appear that he even possessed any part of the Illyrian state lands . As for notification of Appian , he has more general character and neither this nor any other author does not present evidence that Apollonia has been under the rule of a king Epirote

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