Thursday, November 7, 2013

Illyrian Language

Illyrians spoke a language differed from the other languages ​​of the peoples of the Balkans ancient time . It was a separate Indo-European language , that was about more distant affinities with the nearest to where the other languages ​​of the peninsula and abroad. Are common elements found especially trakishten . Regarding the Illyrian place between Indo-European languages ​​is discussed, and are given different opinions . A range of distinguished historians , archaeologists and linguists have brought a number of historical and linguistic arguments for the origin of the Albanians and their language . More comprehensive synthesis , coupled with critical eyes of opinions on the origin of the Albanian language , has given prominent linguist Professor . Eqrem Çabej , who has brought his scientific arguments in support of the Illyrian thesis . Some of the arguments put forward by him are: Albanians live today in a piece of land , where they lived during ancient Illyrian population , on the other hand , the historical resources not recognized any of Albanians migrated from other parts of the territories of today ; a linguistic elements : names, tribes , names of people , Glos , etc. . , which are known as Illyrian find explanation in the Albanian language . Topographical forms of ancient Illyrian Albanian territories , compared with today's responsible forms , prove that they are conducted according to the rules of Albanian historical phonetics , ie . have passed without interruption through a mouth speaking population ; Albanian relations with ancient Greek and Latin , indicate that Albanian was formed and developed adjacent to these two languages ​​here on the shores of the Adriatic and the Ionian , and archaeological data material and spiritual culture , show that there is cultural continuity from ancient Illyrians and Albanians today. Of all these arguments , the resultant thesis of Illyrian origin of the Albanian language , the thesis is supported by historical and linguistic . From Balkan Illyrian so far not found anything written and thought that has not been written . Demonstrating written mesapishtja of southern Italy , which was held in place largely as a branch of Illyrian , to some extent as a dialect of its further development in terms of a separation of several centuries from its trunk main language .

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From her we have about 2000 inscriptions written in the Greek alphabet ( Doric ) with some changes to reproduce some special sounds of their language . An inscription near Puka Dalmaces Castle , which for decades was held up as the only Illyrian inscription , was proved by the new Albanian linguistics that was nothing but a Greek inscription of the century . VI - VII . If successfully crowned the efforts made to an inscription reading of Shkodra Museum originating from Dobrac , written by an unknown alphabet and an inscription found in western Bosnia Bugojë , can be brought to the new data open perspective . Further archaeological discoveries can provide any written text Illyrian particular alphabet or Latin or Greek alphabet . Greek and Latin languages ​​before entering into Illyria culture as language , commercial or administrative official languages ​​, never became the language of all people , who continued to maintain his daily life the native dialect . Notice century Greek historian . Pesona II , Polybius , for talks with King Gent Macedonian delegates through an interpreter who knew ilirishten , proves that this language was practiced as an official language by the end of independent political life of the Illyrians . From the language of the Illyrians left some material , but not enough , very few lexical elements of everyday Dialect composed of several Illyrian Glos , and especially a large number ( around 1000 ) the impersonal names , names of persons , gods , tribes , names of countries and several rivers and mountains . Illyrian words have the form to us from Greek and Latin authors , not in their authentic form . Among them we can mention the word rhinos = fog , etc. Saba = millet beer . Nouns Illyrians transmitted to us in ancient written sources ( Greek and Latin authors , Greek and Latin inscriptions , coins Illyrian territory ) constitute the main material we have from the Balkan Illyrian . They allow to detect some elements of Illyrian nominal fjalëformimit any of its phonetic feature , any element of its vocabulary and content comparison with other Indo-European languages ​​, but do not provide the opportunity to learn its grammar and vocabulary . Several scholars have identified as Illyrian also a number of words encountered in other ancient languages ​​or languages ​​of Europe today , taking them as borrowings from Illyrian or inherited from her . Most of them are controversial , but some are likely truth . Among them are: lat . MANNUS = pony krhs . Albanian maz / colt , gr . balios = white , spotted, white , krhs . Albanian ballet , gr . calibration = hut , some words pararomane etc. . Provides richer material mesapishtja of Southern Italy . From its inscriptions have been a number of usually short and often fragmentary century . The Pesona VI , which give the words of a phrase forms , except impersonal names mentioned in them , but are understood and explained so far in a small measure . We have some Glos as brendon = horn , BILIA = bile , daughter etc. . , And many proper names of people , tribes and nations. Are also observed significant concourse between mesapishtes and Albanian phonetic and grammatical system , such as Reflection | o | the short - Indo-European in | a | , evolution ? | - m | > | n | The flame of race accusative singular noun in both languages


  1. Since you have obviously no clue about what you are writing, please let me inform you that the first inscription, which you erroneously call Illyrian, is actually Glagolithic Slavonic.

    1. MHM What's is your surce please to affirm that


    2. the text is right but has nothing to do with the Glagolithic written plate

  2. What's is your surce please to affirm that

  3. There is an Alphabet that has been proven in dozens of inscriptions that the Illyrian language is clearly understood by the Albanian language.
    Enzo Gatti ilirian to albanian alfabet.

    Many of the inscriptions we know as Greek are not really such. Starting from some inscriptions that use Greek letters and at the same time Latin which are incomprehensible from both Greek and Latin, it was achieved that they are Illyrian writings and are easily understood in Albanian. You will be surprised how little difference there is between Illyrian and Albanian. Even an inexperienced reader in this field can read them.
