Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Illyrian settlements

  Illyrian settlements varied depending they lived in tribes.Illyrian settlements were fortified open those built during the period of iron raised in places hilly , mountainous as a continuation of ancient settlements .Settlements fortified castle built with stone walls or wooden surroundings the settlements were surrounded by earthen wall castle and fortifications serve as shelters from attacks of enemies.Residential house built from stone or wood.Settlements with known Illyrian investigated so far are : Ulpijana ( near Lypjan ) , Hisar ( the suhareka ),bath of Peja (near Peja ), Albanopolis , Amantia dolina( Bosnia and Herzegovina ).

Hellenic colonies in Illyria 
Along with the other colonies,that were created in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.VII century BC the Greeks established their colonies the coast of Illyria.
Hellenic colonies were first Ambrakia (in the Gulf of Arta) and Kurkyra (on the island of Kurfuzit).In 627 BC Helens formed Dyrrahu (Durres).While in 588 B.C
Apollo (Pojani Fier) later were also created other colonies FAIR, ISA etc.These colonies were built
mainly in the settlements, the previous that were created by the indigenous population.These colonies played an important role in economic and cultural terms to Illyrians but in these colonies was observed Illyrian influence.

Dyrrachium and Apollonia in the fifth century B.C.They ranged in cities - states and experienced a significant bloom of their being converted into important centers culture and art education.They even had their own currencies.In these cities remained and were educated the important personalities of the ancient world
Octavian Augustus, Cicero, etc.

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