Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Social order and political organization

Since early in the Illyrian coast Hellenic colonies settled ancient ways of production . In the division of society into distinct role played colonies social and ethnic origin of people . In conditions was privileged aristocratic backgrounds layers , which had often been supportive of the establishment of colonies . Social composition of free layers was varied. Besides the exiles , for political reasons during the wars in metropolitan demos with the aristocracy , had impoverished noblemen , craftsmen stripped of the means of production , dispossessed peasants , merchants and sailors . This measure of population increased continuously as a result of the frequent invasions from the metropolis . In Dyrrah a large contingent of such people came in the second half of shek.V.

In Dyrrah of the Apollo layers constitute the main force of slave labor . It was divided into three categories : the slaves of the city - state slave who worked in the ateliers of tiles and bricks , breaking , transportation and skalitjen of stones in metal cutting coins in , then more jobs heavy . Many slaves were private that constituted the second category , who also served in addition ergasterive households .
A part of the population , growing , constituted "foreigners " , the third category or residents of Illyrian origin . Those in the first decades were deprived of social and political rights .
In accordance with the social composition of the population , the political order in the Apollo had Dyrrah early oligarchic character . Power belonged to an aristocratic minority backgrounds . The vast majority of the population , and the Illyrians , making no word for slaves , did not enjoy the right to rule the city .

The rapid economic development and Apolonia Dyrrah shek.VI - V is associated with changes in social and political order of the two colonies , as a result of a fierce social and political . With the expansion of artisan production and exchange of goods with the Illyrians and Greece , was enriched and strengthened commercial layers of craft economically colonies. These layers now emerged as independent forces in the political arena against oligarchic group , with the aim to take power and to use it to benefit their interests . Consequently , in the year 437 Dyrrah an uprising broke out in the demos , known in ancient history for the role he played on the eve of the Peloponnesian War . In the arena of this war except demos forces and aristocracy , the match seemed Korkyrës interests , behind which stood Athens and Corinth . Both powers were to benefit a wider perspective Illyrian market . Also in this match also actively participated neighboring Illyrians , who assisting aristocrats expelled from the city , was ranked the forces that përkahnin Athens in the Peloponnesian war against connectivity .
The sequence leading civil war in Dyrrah was complete triumph of the principle of class division of society , strengthening the polis slave . Power now exceeds the limited circle of aristocratic slave in the hands of all slave as a class . Its social base was expanded with the participation of broader layers slave , owners of workshops , dealers etc. . , Thus emphasizing more ancient way of production . Since that time it grew stronger social position of the Illyrians who lived in the city . Such a similar phenomenon took place in Apollo .
These changes were reflected in the composition and state functions . Place the heads ( fylarkëve ) aristocrats , in whose hands that power concentrated in the oligarchic regime , now took a collegial body , bull ( council ) . Its members were not only noble, but also from other layers of the slave . Created the general body meeting of the people , helieja . Its main tasks were the adoption of laws , judgments and choice importance of controlling the activities of executive bodies of the city . With the participation of all free people , this body was in the hands of the slave , without whose presence helieja had no right to choose the highest executive bodies of the city . By members of the bud at the top of every year prytani resolved , which was the highest civil functionary City . With his name linked to all laws , ordinances promulgated important decisions during the year . With issues pertaining to military defense and fight toksarku deal , which was commander of archery . Secretary of rain to the main task of caring for instilling upon stone or copper on the table of laws , decrees and decisions of higher helieja or executive bodies and to announce them publicly . The three hieramnamonët , dealing not only with religious issues , the organization of games of the holiday , but apparently the city's financial issues . In addition there were other employees, to a lower rank , but actually play an important role in economic life . Such was the officer in charge of cutting the coins , which had the task of caring for the provision of raw materials , as well as cutting and distribution of coins . On the silver Drachma placed his name alongside that of prytanit . One other officer was poleti dealing with the regulation of commerce with the Illyrians .
Religious cult was in harmony with the social and political institutions of the city . It also appears from the merger of religious and state functions ( hieramnamonët ) . The most venerated deities were Apollo Apollo , who gave the city the name , goddess of the Illyrian coast was unjisua by colonists with Artemis , was the god of the vine Dionizi etc. . The main gods , who prayed more dyrrahasit were Zeus , the legendary cofounder of Sun City and Heraclius .
Hellenic colonies settled in Illyria in circumstances close economic relations with the Illyrians , who depended on mutual interests . Further strengthening the colonies coincides with the birth of Illyrian cities and the formation of the Illyrian state . To these colonies will find a basis for support in their intentions to release the full economic and political metropolis . There have also been conflicts between the Illyrians and colonies , apparently as a result of misuse of the colonists in relations between the Illyrians and their boundaries . These took the form of armed struggle Thronion Illyrian Apollonia town around mid- fifth century and the Illyrians in the fight against Isa on Pesona 385 .
Since the second half of the century . IV Pesona history of Hellenistic colonies coast of Illyria developed in close relationship with the political history of the Illyrian state and in its framework .

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Starting century . The Illyrian provinces of e.sonë changes occurred in civic life . These changes were of course in accordance with local traditions of urbanization and the new conditions created politico - economic in the first three centuries AD . So in Southern Illyria and Epirus , during the preceding centuries there arose new cities , even compared to the period preceding their number was reduced . Not dealing with the process of urbanization that time , several castles ( castra ) , with purely military character , which arose during the most important streets .

With the Roman conquest and economic -administrative organization most provincial cities had no more indigenous economic and political functions that had previously and not having the opportunity to develop further , began to fall . In such conditions, residents of some cities and towns fortified settlements abandoned Illyrian hill-mountain and down the field . Some of them , although administratively returned in the condition of the villages , have not ceased to be a citizen centers , other rural settlements were dealing mainly with agriculture . There was also a fortified qendërbanimi Illyrian taking defensive character from the beginning became a center of a Roman military garrison .Rescued from demolition for two - three centuries few cities that benefited from policies that implemented differential early Roman occupation authorities . This policy was based on proromak attitude of some cities during the Roman and Illyrian wars influenced by the fact that for a time the Romans were not able to govern the provinces directly with all the conquered cities . On top of these cities was that of Apollonia , which were preserved along the internal autonomy of cultural and artistic traditions of Hellenistic Greek language and monetary workshop , where coins were expected by early century . III AD . Old status and internal autonomy preserved the cities of Phoinike Amantia .A new impulse to the development of their economic and cultural Illyria had in all cities that received colony status and municipit . In Southern Illyria became a Roman colony Skodra , Dyrrah , Byllis and Buthroti , while in North Illyria and significant internal colony was Narona , Salona , Jader , Epidauri and Skupi . Our data indicate that these colonies a significant proportion of their population consisted italics come from there , the veterans of the Roman legions and people originating from the East . This population , regardless of ethnic background , had the right of Roman citizenship and form a layer of rich cities . In her hands were focused on important administrative positions . Keeping them , considered the duty of honor , was also related to obligations in the field of construction , etc. of beautifying cities . Representatives rich layer , calorie , theatrical finance , sports competitions and bloody wars of gladiators . The money for all those drawn by slave labor and the broad mass of the poor .In the composition of the upper classes had also been Illyrian , or slave class representatives of the old tribal chiefs , who had Roman citizenship . In such a situation , the provincial Illyrian chieftains , as a privileged stratum , most of which belonged to the class of calorie and out of the military commands , became a supporter of the Roman state , because it saw the strongest imperial power defense of its interests .Other layers of the free population , with civil rights , consisted of small land owners , craftsmen and traders . Local residents in them have been small , they were expelled from the beginning , even from remote agricultural areas , had no political rights and perform heavy work as laborers , woodcutters , shepherds etc. .

Colonies , with Municip , have been the economic base of Rome and simultaneously transmitting core policy of assimilation Illyrian population . Economic and cultural activities of their has been closely associated with Rome and Roman models of their official language was Latin .

's Municipal institutions were the same in all cities and colonies of Illyria were organized on the model of Rome . Governing body has been decuriorum Ordo city council , which decided on the most important issues . Executive power exercised by a panel of two senior magistrates , elected for five years , duumviri quinquennales . Other city officials were Edil ( aediles ) , who provided for the supply of public buildings population , quaestor ( questores ) , who had under their control state coffers . In the city administration a senior was the duty of defense or the patron of the colony ( Patronus coloniae ) , which was charged by the Emperor to protect its interests .In the Illyrian provinces , cities except colony in the first centuries of our era have an important role to play some small qendërbanime called Municip , which have a limited self-rule . Municip property also owned land in the near periphery , crafts and trade were not so developed and generally there was qendërbanime these institutions , which were characteristic colonies . Municip has been in the interior areas , some of which have been associated with mining . Such a Municip was Ulpijana in Dardania ( near Pristina ) , established in the early century . II AD near a mining center , which quickly became the main center of the province . In interior areas Municip population was almost entirely local , to work in slave has been used very little , if not nothing , but Illyrian people in most of them were engaged in agriculture and livestock . In these qendërbanime were preserved in the ancient traditions of strong local and state assimilation policies Roman found a violation of a greater resistance than in coastal regions .

Ancient written sources show the existence of some qendërbanimeve in Illyria small fortified , which call or oppida Castella ( castles or towns ) , whose inhabitants had no right of Roman citizenship . These castles were the Illyrian town center provincial interior units civitates States, where local chiefs were set and provincial authorities to implement the policy of the empire of its ruling .

The history of the Albanian language

Origjnës problem of the Albanian language is one of the more contentious issues of linguistic science . It derives , no doubt , from one of the ancient languages ​​of the Balkan Peninsula , Illyrian or trakishtes . In linguistic literature circulated two basic thesis of Albanian origin : Illyrian origin thesis and thesis tapes origin . Illyrian thesis found support wider historical and linguistic minorities . It is formed in the eighteenth century historians districts . The first scientific attempt to explain the origin of the Albanians and their language , made Swedish historian Hans Erich Thunmann in his " Geschichte der Undersuchunger know Östlichen book europäischen Völker " Leipzig 1774. He , relying on historical sources in Latin and Byzantine language of onomastic data , concluded that the Albanians are continuers ancient indigenous Illyrian population , which was not romanizua as happened with Thraco - Dacian population , preceding the Romanians . Thesis of Illyrian origin shqipertarëve is supported by prominent Austrian albanolugu Johannas Georges von Hahn in his Albanesische Stidien , published in 1854.

From that time until today , a number of distinguished historians , archaeologists and linguists have brought complementing each other , a series of historical and linguistic arguments that support the thesis of origin and the Albanians and their language . Some of these basic arguments are: 1 . Albanians live today in a piece of land , where they have resided in the ancient Illyrian tribes , on the other historical sources not known any of Albanian migration from other regions to settle in lands today . 2 . A part of linguistic elements : tableware names , tribes , names of people , Glos , etc. . , Which are known as Illyrian find explanation in the Albanian language . 3 . Topographical forms of ancient Illyrian Albanian territories , compared with today's responsible forms , prove that they are conducted according to the rules of Albanian historical phonetics , ie have passed without interruption through a mouth speaking population . 4 . Greqishtjen Albanian relations with the old and in Latin , show that Albanian is formed and is developed adjacent to these two languages ​​here on the shores of the Adriatic and Ionian . 5 . The archaeological record and material culture and spiritual witness that there is cultural continuity from ancient Illyrians and Albanians today. Of all these arguments , presented in summary , the thesis shows that the Illyrian origin of the Albanian language , the thesis is supported by historical and linguistic .

Monday, November 18, 2013

Interesting Facts About The Illyrians

The Illyrian Language

 It is the purpose of this writing to inspire thought; to enlighten the
people of the Illyrian (Albanian) heritage; to help the Jews understand the
ancient roots of their religion and hopefully enlighten the peoples of
Christianity and Islam as well by placing in proper perspective these monotheistic
(one God) religions within the context of the evolution of man.  Prehistoric man
created the ideas, names of
the gods and religious stories through his perceptions and understandings of
the natural surroundings.  It is the Illyrian (Albanian) language that appears
to translate this phenomenon.
      This attempt may help to reconcile Darwin's Theory of Evolution of 1859
with the creationist idea of a beginning that took place some 5764 years ago.
As Darwin's theory might be referred to as the 'language of nature', the
Illyrian (Albanian) language could be referred to as the 'language of god'.
       This may all have become possible because the 'greek code' had been
deciphered when parts of Hesiod's 'Theogony' (Genesis of the Gods)c. 700 B.C.,
was analyzed and placed within an Illyrian (Albanian) context in 1980, using
the Albanian language as the tool in gaining a new insight into his work. 
Hesiod was a Greek farmer/shepard turned poet.
        Albanian is the oldest language in Europe and by some accounts has
been compared to Etruscan (Z. Mayani, 'Etruscans Begin to Speak').  The Albanian
alphabet was not developed until 1878 and the majority of the population was
illiterate as recent as 1945.  The Albanians are considered the descendents of
the Illyrians.  There is little record of the Illyrian civilization as they
supposedly left no writings, a fact that I find increasingly hard to believe.
          The Greeks were the scribes for the translations of the books of
the Bible from Hebrew to Greek.  They may have been the unknowing scribes for
some of the Illyrian history though it appears they did not understand the
stories past on to them by the Illyrian people.  'From  what parents the gods are
derived or whether they were in existence from all time, and what they are like
in shape, the Greeks do not know till this day when I write these lines' 
says Herodotus, Greek historian (c. 485-425 B.C.) (Book II, 53).  It should be
noted that the translation of the Bible, wherein the  monotheistic concept  was
introduced to the western world, had been completed during the beginning of
the first millenium.  While this translation process was taking place the
Alexandria (Egypt) Library was destroyed.  It was said that this library contained
the story of mankind.
      It should have been the wonder of the ages how the Greeks could have
been the scribes of both the early Illyrian vocal histories and have understood
none of it, as has been proven with the analysis of Hesiod's work, and some
centuries later became the translators for one of the most important religious
documents, the Bible, yet understood little of the roots of the evolution of
religion in their world.  Maybe now that we might begin to recognize that there
is a 'language of god', a language that gave translation to the evolution of
religion that we know in our world, we can begin to view this evolution with a
clearer perspective.  
An Illyrian World
       It is my contention that long before the 'beginning of the world' as
expressed in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, there was an Illyrian world
in the prehistoric era.  It was one that had great religious influence over
the Mediterranean world and the areas of the regions known as the Middle East
and northern Africa. Though some of this Illyrian influence may have been lost
to the Jews in their early culture it is probable that the teachers of Abraham,
the Patriarch of the Jews, were aware of it.   
       The concepts of 'west' and 'ancestors' were important parts of the
prehistoric cultures in the ancient world.  In Albanian the word 'perendim'
translates to 'west'.  The word 'Perendia' translates to 'God' or 'god-like'.  In
Albanian the words 'ze fare' translates to 'the voice (or message) of the
ancestors'.  The Greek name for 'west wind' was 'zephyr' which probably derives
from the Albanian word 'ancestors'.
        Some European scholars have tried to find the key to the Illyrians
because they sensed that it might have been a missing link to understanding the
religious evolution in the western world.  They were unsuccessful in finding
this Illyrian world, and it appears that they could not imagine a wider
implication.  A reasoning process may enlighten us - help us to understand the
religious and spiritual phenomenon in nature that enlightened prehistoric man.  It
seems to have been lost almost from the beginning of the historic era and
became more political in its evolution.
 The Concepts:  Ou,  Ra, and Tos
       In Greek, Ouranos was considered the first god, the god of heaven.  If
one were to separate the name 'Ouranos',  to 'Ou'  'ra', it would translate
into Albanian 'I'  'fell'.  'Ou' survives in Albanian as the personal pronoun
'I'.  It was my contention that 'Ou' was the name of the first god in the line
of succession of gods.  Imagine yourself as a cave-dweller living many
thousands of years ago.  When you stand on the earth and view the earth and sky, does
not the sky appear to fall to the earth in every direction you view?  You do
not have the understanding that the world is round.  It appears that a dome
forms over the earth.
      Hesiod states: "And Earth first bare starry Heaven, equal to herself,
to cover (extend over) her on every side,..."  (c.700 B.C.)
       It is my contention that this concept, the sky appearing to fall to
earth, may have been the most significant to the people of the prehistoric era
when their religious ideas were evolving.  As a result, the 'ra' expressing
this understanding, found its way throughout the cultures of the Middle East and
North Africa over hundreds, maybe even thousands of years, in the prehistoric
era.  We see the word in the name Mediterranean.  In Albanian that would
translate as 'with the falling day'.  Of course this analysis has never been made 
because the scholars could only see 'Latin'.  This has been true with many
analysis of the ancient world, the scholars see 'Latin' or 'Greek', or 'Hebrew'
then fit a reasoning process to it.  Of course, to some extent, I do the same
with Illyrian (Albanian) but there is one difference - the Illyrian language is
coincident with ideas that are better explained by the 'view' in prehistoric
man's world, the evolutionary timetable within which he lived than any
subsequent document left behind by man.
       One point should be made clear with regard to the first god.  This
should not be confused with the idea of a supreme god within the Illyrian scheme.
The supreme god to most people of the prehistoric world was the
Mother-Earth.  In some cultures she survived the prehistoric world and it is a familiar
concept in recorded history.
       The concept 'Tos' ...  When Hesiod was describing the beginning of the
world he mentions that in the beginning there was 'Chaos' an emptiness or a
state of disorder.  And next was formed 'Ge', the earth...
        In Albanian there are four principal divisions of people that have
emerged from an unrecorded past.  The four divisions include the tribes Geg,
located north of the Shkumbini River in central Albania (the ancient name of the
river was Genusus; 'north' in Albanian 'veri' translates to 'the place of the
egg'; 'Shkumbe' in Albanian translates to 'foam', and the oldest story of
Aphrodite is of a foam birth, though the Greek version of that birth is not
coincident with any Illyrian understanding). To the south of the river were the
Tosk, Lab and Cham.  With regard to Hesiod's first two names 'chaos' and 'ge', my
thought was that they represented two of the four Albanian divisions.  I did
not allow the dialect of 'Kaos' to dissuade my observation from the Albanian
'Cha'.  (The discussion and subsequent persuasion in this writer's book 'Oh
Albania, My Poor Albania' satisfied many doubts as to the possible validity since
it resulted in  the breaking of the 'greek code' and made many new analysis of
the prehistoric world possible. In fact it was a factor in solving the
'mystery' of the Illyrian world.)
      My conclusion had been that if the 'Ge' was the mother, in the north,
the place of the egg, then the 'Tos' might be the father in this scheme -
something that had eluded the Greeks.  In Albanian the word 'tos' refers to
'pluhur' which translated to mean 'dust'.  The Albanian word 'plehu' translates as
'fertilize'.  My thought was that the moisture or perhaps the drizzle of rain in
the air on a moonlit night might have been likened to the dust-like
appearance one might see in the air during daylight.  The prehistoric peoples may have
equated this 'dust' as a 'fertilizing' of Mother Earth - not in the factual
scientific terms we know today, but in some reasoning that they could comprehend
in their time.  It is my belief that the 'tos' was synonymous with the
concept of 'fertilization'.   
  The Names:   'Torah', 'Ur'
      The Torah is one of the most important documents in Jewish culture.  It
may be said that the Torah is the whole body of Jewish religious literature
including the Scriptures (the Bible).  More specifically the Torah is
considered the first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible:  Genesis, Exodus,
Levitus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  In the Jewish tradition, it is the
introduction of the 'One God' to the Jewish people, and subsequently to a large part of
the human race represented by the people of Christianity and the people of
      Abraham was the founder of Judaism, the first great patriarch who
introduced the concept of monotheism - the doctrine in the belief that there is
only one God.  He was born in Ur, a place in present day Iraq.
       Quite simply it is my contention that the 'To' in 'Torah' represents
the 'fertilization', and the 'rah', that which 'fell to earth', or the
'fatherhood which fell to earth'.  This is what I believe to be the etymology - the
origin and prehistorical developement of this name.   And it is quite fitting,
and no wonder, that the patriarch and founder of this 'One God' concept should
be born in a place called 'Ur', a name that I believe developed from the
Illyrian concept 'Ou' 'Ra'...
       Albania, including KosovA, should be viewed not only as a nation that
had been established in 1912, (KosovA was stolen from Albania by the Great
Powers of early 20th century Europe and pillaged by neighbors) but also a
culture, a living, breathing heritage for many thousands of years despite the lack of
an alphabet until 1878 and an illiterate population as recent as 1945. There
are prehistoric concepts within this heritage that can be the only source of
explanation for the origin of religious ideas and tradition that exist in many
cultures with regard to the 'west' and 'ancestoral reverence'.  And it becomes
apparent that the ideas pre-date any recorded civilization's claim to
antiquity by the very nature of its preservation - they can be found, even though
lost for thousands of years, not through documents, not by investigating pottery
or other artifacts, but through a reasoning process that applies the Albanian
language to the same natural surroundings that were readily available to
prehistoric man as it is to ourselves today.
       It is important to understand that the Illyrian (Albanian) and Jewish
peoples at one time lived in a prehistoric world, one culture subsequently
left writings, one supposedly did not; one culture lost some of the
understandings of that world, the other culture remained a mystery for thousands of years
until 1980.
       In Albanian 'Genusus' would translate to 'Mother Earth as a bride'. 
'Nuse' translates to 'bride'...  It is most probable the origin of the Greek
word 'Genesis', 'the beginning', derives from this concept.
       In Albanian the word 'dhenderr' translates to 'groom'.  'Dhe'
translates to 'earth', and 'nderr' translates 'to extend' or 'spread over'.
       From Homeric Hymn, c.800 B.C.:  'Hail Mother of the gods, wife of
starry Heaven'.
       From Hesiod, c.700 B.C.:  'And earth first bare starry Heaven, equal
to herself, to cover (extend over) her on every side..."

Comparison Of Languages

Pelasgian = Illyrian = Arb�resh = Albanian Language



in Pelasgian=Albanian

in English



Af�r dita

Near daylight.


(Shesh prej guri)


Asht gur

It is made of stone.



A ke

Have you?



Ar� bana

(I) made plough (ar-able land).



Ar� b�ri

(He) made plough (arable land).

Arkeleu / Ar�el


Ar� ke le / Ar �el

Arable land (you) were born / (he) make.



Ar� themi -s

Arable land (we) say.



A tham ne

Did we say ?


(Per�ndi e dituris�)


A thina / thena / E th�na

The saying.



Buk fal�s

Bread gratis-giver.




The forest.



Dhea (Dheja, Dheu)

The soil.



Dhe mit�r

Fertile soil.



Desh� are -ti

Rams (fed on) arable land.



Dru madh

Large wood.

Edesha (qytet)


E desha / Desh�-a

(I) wanted (it). / The rams.



�sht veshi

It is the ear / dressing.



�sht vesh-jan

It is listener / tailor.



E njatia (zgjatia)

The stretched.



E leu dheri

The soil gave born to (him/her)



E pira

The drinking.



E shkeli

(He) stepped on.


(Per�ndi e mjeksis�)


E shkula pi

Root out and drink.







Gji gja

Wide harbour.



Ku lam�

Where did (we) leave?




The wind.



Hi mbeti

(It) remained ash.



I pi (pir�)





(I) was.



I thaka

It makes dry /them feel cold.



Kal� si dhi ka

Black horse like goat (he) has.



Ka ran� / r�r�

There is sand.



Kasha /kesha /kisha andrra

(I) had dreams.


(Port detar n Greqi)


Ka val�

There are waves (seaport in Greece).

Kos (ishull)






Lesh / Lis

Wool / Oak.



Mal kasht�r

Straw stack



Mendo �in / k�

Think of whom.



Me ne leu

With us (he) was born.



Mik kena

Friends we have.



Mbolle shi

(You) sowed rain.



Pe gja (gj�)

Did (you) see anything?







Pela -azg

Whoever has mares.



Pen (Pend) e lop�

Plough and cow.



P�r dik�

For somebody.



P�rse von�

Why late?







Pi rro

Drink (and) live.



Pi ti, jan�.

You drink, (they) are.



Po, se i don

Yes, because (he) wants (them).



Pote dhea

Earthen pot.


(Mbreti i Troj�s)


Prij jam / I par jam

Leader I am / The first I am.



Sa lam�

How many did (we) leave?



Si mua ish

Like me was.



Skae / Skaj




S�kam and�rr

(I) have no dream.




Laying down.


(Per�ndi e detit)






Thesa li-ni

Linen sacks.



T r�nd�t

The heavys.




Wine vat.




(To be) penniless / broken.



